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Intuitive Painting




Reveal the subtle energies at play in your life with this creative intuitive session. You will receive an original watercolor painting created just for you with a detailed intuitive reading of what is revealed. Looking at colors, symbols, patterns and other details, Amy will provide insights on how to work with the energies to bring more magic into your life in a 30 minute follow up session (can be scheduled on the phone or on zoom, though I recommend the latter since we can share the screen and talk about the painting in detail!).

You may choose to let Amy simply paint whatever comes through, or you can choose a word, phrase, or number that you would like to focus on. These paintings are magical tools for manifestation and self-discovery. The more we focus on our intentions, the more easily they become reality. I recommend journaling with the painting, too; you can discover countless messages hidden in the images. I often get a couple intuitive hits on places to focus on when journaling.

Because these paintings are guided by intuition--the subject and composition are channeled--input on the composition or subject isn't possible other than providing a word or intention. Occasionally, I will work with a client's color palette if it feels in alignment with their energies. For example, I've done a study in greens for a client who was working on healing the heart.

The magic of these sessions is about allowing the painting to paint itself!

$88 + Shipping

Please email, text, call to set up a time to discuss your intentions for the painting.

Allow 1-2 weeks for report & painting.

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